Realtor Information
The purpose of this web page is to provide basic information to the Realtor who is representing a Hunters Green homeowner, selling his or her property, or who is representing a potential buyer of property. Following is a summary of things you need to know as a Realtor, as well as information you should convey to a potential buyer. You can also request a Cluster Disclosure Package for the residence being sold.
Hunters Green Cluster is a group of 118 townhomes built in 1972. There are seven different floor plans ranging from 1736 to 2604 square feet of living space. All homeowners in Hunters Green Cluster are members of both the Hunters Green Cluster Association (HGCA) and the "parent" Reston Association. Hunters Green Cluster is a stable community. Of the 118 townhomes, 102, or 86%, are owner-occupied. There are no vacant houses. Thirteen, or 11%, of the townhomes, are still occupied by their original owners (from 1972). Twenty-eight, or 24% of them, have been owned by their current occupants for at least 25 years. The turnover rate in ownership has averaged less than five percent per annum.
HGCA has maintenance responsibility for its deeded 12.6 acres of common ground. The common ground includes both turf and natural areas as well as all roads and parking areas. The Association's annual budget for maintenance is approximately $100,000 per year. The Association is self-managed by its five-member Board of Directors, who are elected by the membership at the Annual Meeting each December.
Homeowners own and are responsible for maintenance and upkeep of their deeded property; i.e., the townhouse itself, and its front and back yards. The sidewalks that front each property are deeded to the Association as part of its common ground. HGCA does not carry insurance coverage for private property, namely the individual homes and yards. Homeowners should secure homeowners insurance covering their own property.
Any seller of property in Hunters Green Cluster is required by state law to provide a Resale Disclosure Package to the buyer. Neither the seller nor the buyer can waive this requirement. (Refer to Title 55, Section 509.4, Paragraph A of the Code of Virginia to see this requirement.) Any seller should contact and request a Cluster Disclosure Package from the Association. Click Here to request a Resale Disclosure Package for your residence.
REALTORS, PLEASE TAKE NOTE: A single For Sale sign may be placed on the property of the homeowner who is selling his or her house. In addition, each home for sale is permitted a single one square foot directional sign, for the sole purpose of directing prospective buyers to the home, to be placed on the Cluster's common ground. Any additional signs will be removed without notice. Signs larger than one square foot will be removed without notice. All signs must be removed from the Cluster's common ground when the home is sold.
All parking spaces in the Cluster are the property of the HGCA. No parking spaces are deeded to any residence. There are 250 parking spaces available for the 118 homes. Each home currently has one "reserved" parking space allocated to them for exclusive use by occupants of that residence, with the remaining 132 parking spaces available to residents and visitors on a first-come, first-served basis. Cluster parking is regulated by HGCA's By-laws and Resolutions which cover both resident and visitor vehicles. Prospective homeowners are expected to be well aware of these regulations before they buy as they limit the number and types of vehicles that may be registered and therefore eligible to park in our Cluster. No exceptions are made. For example, Article XI of the By-laws prohibits the parking of certain types of vehicles in the Cluster. All regulations apply to every home equally, whether occupied by an owner or tenant. Refer to the Parking related pages on this website for more information.
Realtors and prospective purchasers can get answers to any questions they may have related to homeownership and membership in HGCA by sending an e-mail to